Monday, May 18, 2009

May 18, 2009

Featured Saint of the Day: St. John I
Congratulations to the Winner of today's ticket to the Catholic Charities' I-Cubs Game: Maureen Little
Featured National Guest: Dave Durand, Author of "Win the World Without Losing Your Soul"
Featured National Guest: Dawn Eden, Author of "Thrill of the Chaste"

Dave Durand is the author of the book "Win the World Without Losing Your Soul." Becoming an entrepreneur straight out of college, Dave was able to observe the people who worked for him. He noticed that some of them had long term careers and some did not. He developed an interest in discovering the inner workings of becoming a leader in your profession, but did not have time to truly develop his curiosity until now.

The book focuses on the business community. In the business community there is a vacuum of morality. The question becomes, how can people become leaders without compromising their morality and ultimately, who they are. How is it that people can take their raw talents into the work place and flourish. To truly lead it takes consistence and often times a tough love.

Many leaders these days err to be too accomodating and fluctuating in their leading style. The important thing to discover are the particular talents that you possess and can bring into the work place. When we discover and bring those talents it will propel us into a position that isn't always comfrotable, but it's suited to our personality and talents.

To bring glory to the creater, we're called ta act as we were designed to. Through bringing glory to the creator, we are called to do all we can to be who we were created to be. There are three tracks that people tend to take to find themselves:

1. To Find a Job that they're not necessarily a fan of. They are in essence trading time for money and don't always find fulfillment
2. To Find a Career, which is a chosen profession, but we are not always well suited to this profession.
3. To Find a Vocation, which is a chosen profession for which we are well suited. The discover of vocations makes it easy for the Father to manifest himself and his plans in your life.

To discover more with Dave Durand you can go to his website:

Dawn Eden's book, "Thrill of the Chaste" came out in 2006 and has since been translated into four different languages. It is a different kind of book that focuses on takes theology of the body and makes it accessible to the reader. She wanted to write something based on Theology of the Body that could speak to a wider audience.

In her book she helps the reader to discover the point of being chaste. Being chaste is a virture, and virtues are always hinged on a positive effect in our life. To be chaste, you enable yourself to be more fully yourself. It is saying yes to the way that God made you.

In being chaste a person can find the dignity that is due to them in their person. They do not have to strive to be someone else, to hold to the frivolous to please the world. In being chaste, we in essence hold to the very core of who God made us to be and trust that God's plan for us is perfect.

You can find more about this book on Dawn's website:

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