Wednesday, June 10, 2009

June 10, 2009

Featured Saint of the Day: Bl. Joachima
Congratulations to the Winners of today's tickets to the Catholic Charities' I-Cubs Game: Jim Wilwerding and Ross Hulne
Featured National Guest: Dr. Owen Phelps, author of "The Catholic Vision for Leading Like Jesus"
Featured Catholic News: Michael Voris, Real Catholic TV

Dr. Owen Phelps, the author of "The Catholic Vision for Leading Like Jesus" joined Bill and Rich on the morning show today. "The Catholic Vision for Leading Like Jesus" is a book which takes Ken Blanchard's book "Leading Like Jesus" and puts a Catholic twist into it. Dr. Phelps shared with us his experiences with Ken Blanchard.

Dr. Phelps met Ken when he was a young journalist. He covered an event where the speaker was Ken Blanchard who had just come out with his now best-selling book "One Minute Manager." Dr. Phelp's immediate thoughts were that it was a book that was designed for people who don't have a lot of time to read. He bought a copy and had Ken sign it.

Later after achieving his PhD, Dr. Phelps desired to help teach Ken's leadership model where leadership is cut up like a steak into little pieces that people can digest in portions. Through this he was able to meet with Ken's co-author, Phil Hodges which lead to a great friendship. Through leading workshops on Leading like Jesus, Dr. Phelps discovered that as a Catholic the words could go deeper, stretching into the sacraments, devotional life of the Church and the writings of the Saints.

Dr. Phelps then spoke with Ken and the two of them began to work together, hammering out intellectual property rights and helping each other grow into a deeper understanding of Leading like Jesus. Through this endeavor they discovered that the S of Servant that was focused on in Ken's work was only the beginning. Servant bled into Stewardship which also pointed to Shepherd, and the Three S-s of "The Catholic Vision for Leading Like Jesus" was born.

Dr. Phelps spoke about Jesus' resurrection and his encounter with his disciples. As the perfect leader, Jesus has prepped his disciples throughout his ministry to accept the call to go into the streets and evangelize. His appearance in the upper room and the decent of the Holy Spirit gave the Apostles the confidence to become selfless leaders.

Through the way of the carpenter: novice, journeyman, master, then teacher-we discover the facets of leadership. This is a model parents can take into their families as they watch their children grow into the men and women, passing through the stages of life. Dr. Phelps pointed out that through this method, the truth and messages parents wish to impart are never lost, but the approach is altered to fit their stage in life.

For more information, you can go to:

1 comment:

  1. I loved your last paragraph about watching your children grow into men and women, through the various stages of life. It couldn't be more true. Thanks for sharing.

    Eric Thiegs
