Thursday, June 18, 2009

June 18, 2009

Featured Saint of the Day: Venerable Matt Talbot
Featured Local Guest: Tyler Price,M3M
Featured National Guest: Steve Gardner, Gardner Family Foundation
Featured Catholic News: Michael Voris, Real Catholic TV

Michael Voris with Real Catholic TV joined the morning show team to head up our Catholic News Segment today. Michael will also be joining KWKY for its 2nd Annual Faith Matters Conference: Springtime of Evangelization this year, August 28-29. Register on-line today by going to

Today, Michael brought to light that PBS decided in a board meeting yesterday to ban all religious programming. They will no longer be airing religious programming on any of their 356 stations around the country. That brings to light the question of whether, if someone had a program about Mohamad, they would air it or hold true to this ban of religious programming? PBS is funded by tax dollars and listener support. This ban against religious programming should prompt Christians to think twice before monetarily supporting PBS during its pledge drives.

Tyler Price came in to promote this month's Martyrs of the Third Millennium, or M.3.M. The chaplain this month will be Bishop Richard Pates. Bishop Pates will be giving a talk as well as exposing the Blessed Sacrament, hearing confessions, and offering a Benediction at the end. This monthly event takes place at St. Pius X Catholic Church in Urbandale and will be held this Sunday, June 21 from 7:30-9pm.

Tyler also enlightened our listeners as to why they chose the name "Martyrs of the Third Millennium." When Pope John Paul II started World Youth Day a Spanish Newspaper asked him why. He told them "I come to greet the Martyrs of the Third Millennium." This call from our Holy Father to young people urges us to look outside ourselves and dive deeper into spreading the gospel through the New Evangelization. M.3.M. the event, focuses on giving young people ages 18-30 an opportunity to grow roots in their faith that they might be able to "go out onto the streets like the first apostles and proclaim the gospel." (JPII)

Steve Gardner form the Gardner Family Foundation joined Bill and Rich with a very enlightening story. Three of his four children suffer from Eosinophilic Gastro Intestinal Disease, also known as EOS. Our white blood cells host something called Eosinophils, which aid the body in fighting off disease and bacteria. In his boys the Eosinophils attack food. His boys are on special diets and his son Josh gets his nutrition from a feeding tube.

When Josh was 12 months old, he suffered intense bout of vomiting and diarrhea each day. Steve and his wife struggled to discover why, since their son was eating well. It got to a point where the doctor told them that if they didn't discover the cause of Josh's symptoms then he would die. Lucky for them they discovered that he has EOS. In Josh's case, the Eosinophils attack all food. So Josh has a feeding tube where he gets his nutrients each day. There are different and varying forms of this disease and each of his children so far has been effected by it.

The Gardner Family Foundation strives to enter the public square on four critical issues:

1. Raising Awareness in the public square
2. Educating Pediatric GI Specialists and Pediatricians
3. Raising funds for Research, as they try to find new ways to treat this disease.
4. Raising funds for Family Relief, as the cost of such things as feeding tubes and the special formulas is costly.

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