Monday, June 15, 2009

June 15, 2009

Featured Saint of the Day: Servant of God, Orlando Catannii
Featured National Guest: Fr. Don Calloway MIC, Vocations Director for the Marian House of Studies in Steubenville, Ohio and Author of "The Virgin Mary and Theology of the Body"
Featured National Guest: Brian Kissinger, Youth Minister in DC Area: Youth Ministry 101
Featured Local Guest: Mark McDougal, Director of Ruth Harbor
Featured Catholic News: Michael Voris, Real Catholic TV

Fr. Don Calloway, Priest of the Marians of the Immaculate Conception and Vocations Director for the Marian House of Studies in Steubenville, Ohio joined Bill and Rich this morning. Fr. Don explained that the Marians of teh Immaculate Conception are a religious community that was founded in Poland. Their mission is to spread devotion to teh Mother of Jesus as well as to assist parish priests in whatever they need. As the Vocations Director for their house in Steubenville, he helps young men who are discerning the Marians discover whether they can fulfill the obligations of living in community with the Marians of the Immaculate Conception.

When speaking of teh Immaculate Conception, Fr. Don said that a majority of protestants do not believe in the Immaculate Conception. They believe that Mary was born in sin and committed personal sin during her life. Fr. Don points out the biblical basis for the Church's teachings on the Immacculate Conception as firstly coming from the mouth of Gabriel who had a message from God. Gabriel said "Hail full of Grace" in greeting to Our Lady. When you look at the text in its original language you discover that Gabriel is saying of Mary "Hail, you who have been from the very beginning and will always be full of grace" This begs the question, who is it that interprets Scripture? In the Catholic Church, we have the Magisterium of the Church or the Teaching Body of the Church to show us the way.

Fr. Don also spoke of the Rosary as prayin gthe scriptures. By meditating on the mysteries of the life of our Lord you discover with each Hail Mary a new gratitude that he would come to save us. Entrusting our Meditation through Our Lady she is able to draw us deeper into the mysteries. For who knows Jesus better than his mother? Mary, who walked with Jesus and contemplated the mysteries of his life in her heart will shed a brighter light on what it means to entrust ourselves to her Son.

For more information on the Marians of the Immaculate Conception visit:

Brian Kissinger, the Youth Minister for Our Lady of Sorrows Parish in the DC area joined Bill and Rich for another installment of Youth Ministry 101. Today Brian spoke about Youth Ministry's ultimate goal as being to build and promote vocations, whether that be to married or religious life.

Teens these days live in a culture that is fast paced and full of distractions. To mobilize these young people in their faith, you have to meet them where they are and invite them into something deeper. When you do this you'll discover that most kids are looking for something counter-cultural. They're looking for something bigger then themselves.

In this culture, kids are exposed to a lot of technology and background noise. Brian touched on the importance for kids to be encouraged by their families to go on retreats and unplug. It is important for them to know what it's like to have moments of silence. Through leading his own retreats as a youth minister on a parish level where he ministers to about 30-40 kids at a time to regional conferences where his words touch up to 2,500 kids, Brian spoke of the importance of unplugging. He mentioned that with the loud music kids like, if they show up to a retreat with an ipod or cell phone, chances are that he'll find it.

A web-site the Brian likes to check out to help in his faith is:

Mark McDougal the Director for the Ruth Harbor home spoke with Bill and Rich as well. Ruth Harbor is a home for young women who are chosing to give life to their unborn babies but might not be welcome at their homes because of their valiant decision. Mark informed us that the name Ruth Harbor is rooted in the name Ruth in the bible that means "Compassion" and then Harbor giving a safe haven.

Ruth Harbor is a local program and began with 3 women who saw a need in the community. They developed a board, God provided the money and in 2001 Ruth Harbor opened its doors on 46th and ingersol to young women.

Ruth Harbor allows these young women to come away from the noise of their lives so that they can be more fully prepared to make decisions. As they carry their child to term they discover whether their called to parent the child themselves or if they are called to make teh couragious decision of love and choose adoption.

For more information you can go to:

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